Every Semester at exam time he was looking for past exam papers for the best preparation for the exam.
Every semester in he was connecting to his senior students and the professors of his stream to get past exam papers.
But sometimes he was helpless. Because after exams most every student throws his college exam paper.
One day asked him on the call how s your exam preparation was?
He told me I want to do the best college exam preparation but one issue for getting past the exam paper for preparation for the coming soon exam. I can’t find every semester and every subject exam paper easily.
I have asked him can I help him find a solution to the issue. He told me how can you help me, Papa?
I told him. My dear son I will promise to give you the best solution for getting every semester’s past exam paper.
Then within a month, I have given this Gift
to my son.
He was very happy with this gift. He has shared this site with all students in his college.
I have decided I give every college student every past exam paper easily free without any hard work.